But this celebration was different. It was sobering. As the last song of the celebration, Proud to be an American by Lee Greenwood, blared in the German night sky I looked around and the mood of the party had shifted from light-hearted celebration to a rather serious and sober presence. All of these people, soldiers and families of soldiers, stood together. They stood together, some singing softly, some just standing silently. But they all knew something. They know, both from their own personal experiences and from their shared life in the military, that freedom is not free and it certainly is not cheap. They know that being in the military requires a counter-culturally sacrificial way of life.
Some of these Americans have family members-- husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers-- who are "down range." Some are preparing to be deployed. And some, many, are coping with the experiences that they encountered while down range. The sacrifices that these men, women, and children make are real and they are costly. And for many the effects of these sacrifices last a life time.
But yet we all came together that night. We all stood together out on that field. We all took part in the ribs and the burgers and most, those who would not be "set-off" by the loud explosions of fireworks, stood under the colorfully lit sky looking up in awe at the different shapes and formations and colors and varieties of fireworks.
But yet we all came together that night. We all stood together out on that field. We all took part in the ribs and the burgers and most, those who would not be "set-off" by the loud explosions of fireworks, stood under the colorfully lit sky looking up in awe at the different shapes and formations and colors and varieties of fireworks.
Though it was sobering, this was most definitely a celebration. It was a celebration of freedom, of our country, of the relationships and deep fraternal bonds that we share. It was a celebration of the values that this community lives by.
For four weeks this summer I am working with a US Army Chaplain. In the past two weeks, from meeting and listening to soldiers and their families, I have been absolutely floored time and time again. I have been floored by the depth of sacrifice that these men and women and children offer. In this short amount of time it is clear that two major issues for military families are Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and marriage. For some it seems like a constant struggle. Deployment means 365 days. That is 365 days that a husband and wife do not see each other, except through a computer screen. That is 365 days that a father/mother does not see his children. That is 365 days that a child does not see a parent. Additionally, it is 365 days of stress and fear and life-changing events.
My prayers for peace and an end to all violence as well as the safe return of all soldiers has increased in both volume and intensity.
What floors me even more, though, is the resiliency. The resiliency of these men and women who live bold lives. I met a woman who is married to a soldier. She and her husband have three sons-- one of whom was born while her husband was down range. Luckily he was able to come home for a short time after his son's birth to be with his family. But now he has returned and his wife is courageously raising their sons.
I also met a soldier who has been down range three times. He suffers from PTSD and fights many battles daily-- some days more successful than others. But in the midst of this struggle he is turning to God and recognizes an inner hunger for a deeper relationship with God.
I have also met many young people on post-- childern of soldiers-- who are some of the most un-assuming teenagers that I know. They go through the same struggles that most adolescents do, but gradually with an advantage, I think, because of their knowledge that true commitment costs. Not only are they well acquainted with the costs of commitment, but they are eager to give. They look forward to the future as an opportunity to see what the world has to offer and in the same spirit to see where they can contribute. Some of them have aspirations to be professional athletes, some to work in business, and many hope to follow in the proud tradition of their parents and beco
me soldiers themselves, enrolling in various ROTC programs.
As has been the case since entering the seminary, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have met and gotten to know these bold men, women, and children who stand together for our country and for freedom. Although they do not decide exactly where they go and what they are to do, these people give of themselves and seek the best possible outcome of every situation.
They are heroes and deserve prayer and support.
So let us stand together and pray for them as we continue to pray and to work for an end to all war and violence.
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