Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Seeing the Church Alive!

Last Wednesday I had the awesome opportunity to attend Benedict XVI's last ever Wednesday audience in St. Peter's Square.  In anticipation of this great opportunity just about every university in Rome cancelled classes, so after our morning Mass and breakfast a couple friends and I made our way to St. Peter's Square.  What we encountered there was a living Church.

My friend Mark, from Iowa, brought an American flag.  In the picture to the left you can see my friend Jimmy, from New York, proudly carrying the flag into the Square.  We arrived in an already half-full St. Peter's Square at 8:30 in the morning, two hours before the scheduled start of the audience.  Our first goal was to find a good spot in the Square to set up shop.  We had heard that the Holy Father was planning on making his rounds throughout the Square in his pope mobile, so we made sure to find a spot towards the middle of the Square, but along one of the barricades since we knew the pope would be coming by there.  Luckily we found a great spot.

The atmosphere was incredible.  People from all over the world trickled into the Square.  Some had on collars, some habits, some tee shirts and jeans.  The excitement shared by all was palpable.  Soon after we found our spot along the barricades a group of Italian teenagers gathered to our left and a group of religious sisters joined on the right.  On the other side of the walkway, directly in front of us was a group of Mexican pilgrims who had brought signs and Mexican flags.  As we got closer and closer to 10:30 the crowd grew and grew, which means our level of personal space shrunk smaller and smaller until we were standing shoulder to shoulder.  But it was worth it.  It was worth it to look around and see flags and banners representing countries from all over the world.  It was worth it to meet and talk with people from all walks of life and from all over the world.  It was worth it to stand in gratitude and prayer with thousands of people, expressing our thanks and love for this man who has proved himself as a simple man of prayer and discernment.

Then the organ music started.  The focus of all present quickly shifted to the front left corner of the Basilica as Pope Benedict XVI slowly made his way into the Square.  Without hesitation he went directly towards the crowd.  He made his way, winding back and forth along the barricades, through the Square, waiving at us, blessing us, and stopping here and there to kiss babies.  The anticipation and excitement grew as we realized that he was definitely coming our way and would soon be right in front of us.  The Swiss Guard and Vatican Police shuffled through the crowd and made their last second preparations and checks of our row.  Then everyone around us stopped looking at the mega-screens and looked at the corner of our aisle as the pope turned the corner and made his way towards us.

As the Holy Father got closer I tried to take as many pictures as I could, but after taking this one I put my camera away.  Time to enter into the moment.  All of us were waving and cheering as he reached us.  But then something unexpected happened.  As Benedict passed us, he looked directly at us.  He and I maintained eye contact for 20-30 seconds.  And as he passed I yelled out, "Grazie Padre!"  It was great to then see him continue making his way through the crowds and to see the excitement and different gestures and cheers of gratitude and thanks.

He then made his way back towards the Basilica to take his seat in the front.  He began by welcoming all who were there and thanking the whole Church for their great love and support.   "Thank you from the bottom of my heart; I am truly moved.  In seeing you I see the Church alive!"  At that the crowd erupted in an emotional applause.  "In seeing you I see the Church alive!"  What an awesome reality.  We are the Church.  In talking about this with friends and classmates afterwards we shared our thoughts and ultimately shared stories of how different people in our lives and different faith communities helped us to see the Church alive.  I think back to St. Stephen and Loyola Blakefield.  Loyola College and John Carroll.  St. Gregory the Great, St. Augustine, St. James, and Immaculate Heart of Mary.  I think of my friends and family.  I think of teachers and students.  I think of coaches and players.  In all of them, I realize that the Church is alive!  Later on Benedict said, the Church is "not an organization, not an association for religious or humanitarian purposes, but a living body, a community of brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ, who unites us all."  How true.  We are brothers and sisters.  We are alive.  We are the Church, the Body of Christ.

In his address Pope Benedict spoke a great deal about the Church, speaking with excitement, hope, and joy.  He spoke not as one with fear or one who wants to point fingers or complain, but one who has faith.  Faith in God who is the Creator of all and the ultimate end of all.  He said that the Church belongs not to him, nor to any one else-- clergy or not-- the Church belongs to God, to Jesus Christ.  It lives in the Spirit.

He said, "I would like to invite everyone to renew firm trust in the Lord.  I would like that we all entrust ourselves as children in the arms of God and rest assured that those arms support us every day on our cammino, even in times of struggle.  I would like everyone to feel loved by God who gave his Son for us and showed us his boundless love.  I want everyone to feel the joy of being Christian."  Not a bad invitation.

Then Benedict moved in a more personal direction, speaking as a simple man, as a grateful Christian.  He thanked all of those who have helped him over the years, from the Vatican officials to people all over the world.  "A pope is never alone: now I experience this truth again in a way so great as to touch my very heart." He went on to describe how he has received so much love and support and notes of gratitude and assurance over the past years of his pontificate from so many people, including heads of state, religious leaders, and ordinary people like you and me.  "These people do not write me as one might write, for example, to a prince or a great figure one does not know.  They write as brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, with a sense of affectionate family ties.  Here one can touch what the Church is."  What a statement.  The Church is and should be a body of brothers and sisters who feel a familial affection.  Who speak to one another as brothers and sisters.  Not as an organization but as a living body.  These ecclesiological reflections of our Pope-Emeritus require a great deal of consideration as we move on as a Church.  We would do well to ponder the significance of these words from our former Holy Father.  We would do well to let these words take root in us as we strive to live the Gospel together in our parishes and other faith communities.

He concluded his remarks with words of assurance and courage, words of hope and of joy.  "In our heart, in the heart of each of you, let there be always the joyous certainty that the Lord is near, that he does not abandon us, that he is near to us and that he surrounds us with his love!  Thank you!"

After concluding his remarks, addresses were made to the Holy Father in various languages, including Arabic, expressing sentiments of gratitude and prayer from the members of the Body of Christ all over the world.  And before leaving, Pope Benedict XVI gave us his final blessing.  But before doing so, he made sure to explain that he meant this blessing to reach across the whole world and to reach each of our families and loved ones, especially those who are suffering.  As I received this blessing I thought of all of the members of my family and my friends back home-- especially those who are going through difficult times, no matter how big or small.  And we were all together in prayer, in receiving the blessing through this simple man who was leaving a role of governance to adopt the life of a simple monk, a life of prayer, solitude, and great great joy.

Our Holy Father-Emeritus gave us a lot to think about, reflect on, and live up to that day.  We are the Church.  We are the Body of Christ.  And in seeing one another, no matter the differences in location, nationality, position, point of view, may we truly see the Church alive!

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